I have a foot fetish. There, I said it. I know it’s a little out of the norm, but I just can’t help it. I dated this one girl for awhile and she had the most beautiful feet I had ever seen. We would be watching TV on the couch and I would offer to rub her feet. I would get her favorite lotion and spend hours massaging those gorgeous toes of hers. Other times I would offer to paint her toenails for her. I would go as slow as I could making the most of the time I had with them. She always thought I was just being nice, but honestly it was turning me on. Every time I stroked her feet my dick got harder and harder.
Right now you can take advantage of this Magical Feet 63% off discount and see what I’m talking about. These guys truly appreciate how erotic a woman’s feet can be and show foot fucking at it’s finest. You can also find lots of other Feet Porn Discounts so you can save some money while watching.