I want you to think about when the last time you were lucky enough to have a random footjob. I want you to think about how good it felt when you felt your cock between those sexy feet and how awesome it was that you didn’t even need to ask them do to it.
It’s one thing to get a planned footjob and another thing altogether when you get one at random. You deserve a girlfriend who offers those random moments of pleasure. She knows just when to give in and let you have one and she doesn’t have second thoughts about it. She knows it is going to be her turn to get some pleasure but right now she needs to be taking care of you. If that means draining your cock with her feet, well you know full well that she is going to do it.
I guess this is why you never feel surprised about finding more foot fetish sex. Not when you know exactly where to look, and certainly not when you know how good it can be. You don’t make it fancy, but you sure do make sure that it is going to be worth it.